The First Attack 26th February, 1993
Very few people know that 9/11 was not the first attack on World Trade Center. It has been attacked before too with only minor bruises to the Center but killing six innocent human beings. Here we bring a summary of the event as these have lot of lessons in interpreting the 9/11 and some other important events such as abduction of Dr. Aafia along with her three innocent children and sentencing her for 86 years in jail on no crime whatsoever.
On 26th February 1993, The World Trade Center was bombed killing six innocent Americans. The main character was a known and well established Mossad agent Josie Hadas. Her apartment carrying bomb drawings and materials were shown on CNN Breaking news. CNN, however, after realizing that she was a Mossad agent, did not mention her again! The FBI found "tools and wiring, and manuals concerning antennae, circuitry and electromagnetic devices” during their search of Hadas' apartment. "One expert interpreted these as evidence that a 'bomb maker' had been in the apartment - the more so because 'a dog trained in the detection of explosives' sniffed around and 'responded positively.'" Yet Josie Hadas was never brought to trial. Where she is today is not known. It seems not to have even interested the Judge!
She wan not punished for killing 6 innocent Americans. However the blame was put on Islam and all Muslims as she had hired and framed a Muslim driver who rented a Ryder van for her on her orders without knowing the intention of his boss. Poor Salameh is sill behind bar and along with him the Zionist media which controls the mind, eyes and ears of Americans and most Europeans had held entire Islam and all Muslim hostage.
It should be noted that CIA and FBI and USA Embassies are fully infiltrated and infested by Israeli agents to the extent that one USA Ambassador to Israel was a life long Israeli agent who had been doing espionage for Israel against USA. President Clinton had granted him green card and then USA citizenship in record shortest duration. He was then appointed as USA ambassador to Israel!
Following is a research by James S. Adam who is not a Muslim. He has picked up many flaws in the official versions and deceptions created by FBI and its agents. May Allah bless him with true guidance as he has done this with utmost honesty and sincerity!
“I would like to bring to your attention that the following is some research that I have conducted on the background of the varying attacks which have been committed upon the World Trade Center throughout the years. I have not placed any copyright upon this work, therefore you are free to use it in any way which you may choose. However, I request that if you do decide to make use of this article, that you do your utmost to keep it as close to its original form as possible. — James S. Adam Following the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, assistant FBI director James Fox declared that the man who was responsible for planting the explosives in the infamous Ford Econoline Van was Mohammed Salameh, one of the followers of Omar Abdel Rahman. The New York Times ran an article which declared him a "Suspect Tied to Islamic Fundamentalist Sect."
This conclusion was made when the police searched the apartment of one Josie Hadas — a long established Mossad operative. On June 8, 1993, the International Herald Tribune ran an article in which it was stated that the telephone number and apartment listed on the rental agreement for the van belonged to Josie Hadas. According to Malcolm Gladwell of the Washington Post, "The FBI complaint read Thursday night in court said that Salameh had provided a telephone number "in connection with the rental agreement that was traced to a person named Josie Hadas, at a Jersey City address." The article added: "A search of the Hadas apartment Thursday afternoon had discovered "among other things, a letter addressed to the defendant, tools and wiring, and manuals concerning antennae, circuitry and electromagnetic devices."
The article stated: "A law enforcement officer trained as a bomb technician has examined these materials," the FBI said, "and concluded that they constitute evidence of a 'bomb maker' at the location. Lastly, a dog trained in the detection of explosives responded positively to a closet space within the apartment." If this letter addressed to Salameh and the bomb making tools were located in Hadas's apartment, then the question of why Hadas was not also implicated in this crime still remains to be answered. Furthermore, where is Josie Hadas?
Following the explosion, investigators started to sift through the rubble in the parking garage under the World Trade Center. They found fragments of a vehicle with an identification number corresponding to the number of the Ford Econoline Van which Salameh had rented in his own name. Salameh had reported the vehicle as being stolen to the police prior to the explosion, and thus the van had been listed in a nationwide computer directory of stolen vehicles. According to the way in which the pieces of the truck appeared to be positioned on the ground, the FBI strongly suspected that it was this Ford Econoline van which had carried the bomb.
Salameh returned to the Jersey City Ryder rental center in order to hand over the police documents confirming that he had reported the vehicle stolen. Furthermore, he asked for his $400 deposit to be returned, and as he left the agency, the police arrested him. The FBI had suspected that Salameh was involved in the bombing when they examined the rental documents that he had returned to the Ryder clerk when he first reported the vehicle stolen the previous week. According to the FBI, the documents were covered with traces of chemical nitrates.
The Washington Post article asked a senior law enforcement official why, "if he is guilty, Salameh would have been so naïve as to rent the truck in his own name, report it stolen to the agency and the police, and return twice to the agency to attempt to retrieve his deposit, the senior law enforcement official said: "Who knows. Just because he's a terrorist, doesn't mean he's a brain surgeon. ... Call it good investigating."
However, a problem arose with the FBI's claim that the bomb was composed of nitrates. On Thursday, September 14, 1995, the Washington Post affirmed that the FBI crime laboratory was being probed and that "the Justice Department is investigating complaints that workers in the bureau's crime laboratory have offered misleading or fabricated evidence in a number of major criminal cases."
The article went on to cite that these allegations were made by special agent Frederic Whitehurst with specific regards to the World Trade Center bombing case, as well as other well publicized cases. On August 14, 1995, special agent Frederic Whitehurst testified in the bombing trial that urea nitrate, the claimed chemical compound which had been used in the bombing, was such a rare substance that it could not be found in the United States. Although Whitehurst confirmed that the substance could be used to make a bomb, he was not aware of it being reported in use since 1960 when the Australians discontinued its use because of its propensity to decompose very quickly. Moreover, the substance was so rarely used to make bombs that he was not aware of it ever having been tested in FBI laboratories.
During the course of the trial, special agent Frederic Whitehurst testified that the FBI concocted misleading scientific reports and pressured two of their scientists to perjure their testimony in order to support its prosecution of the defendants:
Dr. Whitehurst was asked the following questions in the course of his testimony, as mentioned in an official court transcript, page 16337:
Q: "During your examination of the bomb residue materials and the chemicals associated with the defendants, you became aware that the FBI agents investigating the case had developed a preliminary theory that the bomb that blew up the World Trade Center was a urea nitrate bomb?"
A: "Yes, that is correct." Q: "Did there come a time when you began to experience pressure from within the FBI to reach certain conclusions that supported that theory of the investigation?"
A: "Yes, that is correct."
Q: "In other words, you began to experience pressure on you to say that the explosion was caused by a urea nitrate bomb?"
A: "Yes, that is correct."
Q: "And you were aware that such a finding would strengthen the prosecution of the defendants who were on trial, who were going on trial in that case, correct?"
A: "Absolutely."
Special agent Frederic Whitehurst, the senior FBI explosives expert, was demoted to paint analysis.
The most disturbing part of this trial was the dubious testimony of one Emad Salem, an obscure figure who was hired by the FBI following the famed killing of right-wing militant rabbi Meir Kahane in 1991. Salem, a high ranking Egyptian government operative, had penetrated the circles of [Omar Abdel] Rehman [the blind Muslim cleric currently in jail] and had secretly tape recorded countless meetings. The prosecution's case relied almost entirely on the testimony of Emad Salem, who was taken into the Witness Protection program on June 24, 1993, and promised five hundred thousand dollars in exchange for his testimony.
The Los Angeles Times ran a story on July 4, 1993, stating that fifty storage boxes of documents concerning plans to blow up the World Trade Center had 'sat' in police and FBI hands.
Kuby continued:
"In addition, we have received information that he was visually observed at the scene of the bombing shortly after the bombing took place. Shortly after that, he was admitted to the hospital, suffering from an ear problem that was consistent with exposure to blast. The mastermind is the government of the United States. It was a phony, government-engineered conspiracy to begin with. It would never have amounted to anything had the government not planned it."
Poor Muhammad Salameh, Blind Imam Abdur Rehman and Ayad are behind bars since 1993 till today while Josie Hadas who had panned and executed the bombing is free as she is an Israeli and Mossad agent and was secretly sent to Israel.
The First Attack on WTC which id not damage the WTC but killed 6 innocent Americans highlight several facts which have direct relevance to 9/11 and to Dr. Affia’s trial and 86 years imprisonment.
The first attack on WTC case highlights the following:

Troubling Questions in Troubling Times
A critical look at the history of attacks
on the World Trade Center by James S. Adam
5 October 2001
A critical look at the history of attacks
on the World Trade Center by James S. Adam
5 October 2001
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